The beauty of a breast does not only depend on its volume. A breast is pleasant and feminine when the size is adequate but, especially, when it is well positioned, proportionate for the body and has a harmonious shape. Situations that need no intervention on the proportions of the breast but only breast remodelling and/or repositioning, or tone and consistency enhancement find an answer in a cosmetic surgery procedure called mastopexy.


Performed under total or local anaesthesia (depending on the specific case), mastopexy is a highly demanded surgery that does not affect the reduction or increase in volume of the breast (in some cases it can, however, be performed concurrently with the insertion of breast prostheses). The area to be operated is measured before surgery, and some marks are drawn (guidelines for surgery) on the standing patient.  Part of breast skin is removed during surgery, moving the areola and nipple upwards to remodel the tissues left and enhance breast consistency. At the end of mastopexy, the patient is administered supportive medication that will be removed by the doctor after 48 hours, and replaced by a sport bra to be worn day and night for three months.

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Pre- and postoperative advice

During convalescence, after a period of at least one week’s rest, the patient may recommence routine activities. Strain and movements that entail lifting the arms above the head must be avoided during this phase, and for at least two weeks. Moreover, sleeping in a supine position at night is recommended. The patient must wait for the medication to be removed (1 week) to take a bath or a shower and, anyhow, at least during the early period after surgery, it would be better not to spend too much time in the bath. Regarding sports, the lightest activities can recommence after three weeks, while the most demanding ones may be performed after 6 weeks.

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