

BOTOX: medical lifting performed by Plastic Surgeon Stefanos Vourtsis in his medical practices in Milan, Borgomanero and Seregno.

By |September 27th, 2012|Categories: Face, Non-Surgical Procedures|

The sequence of feelings, thoughts and tensions that constantly accompany us during our daily routine causes a continuous movement of facial expression muscles that we are often not aware of. This creates grooves that, as [...]

ADDITIVE TREATMENT – visit us to try the EXTERNAL BREAST PROSTHESES in Milan or in Borgomanero. Admire your new breast in a few seconds!!

By |October 11th, 2011|Categories: Breast Procedures|

An ‘impressive’ breast, that was once a privilege of a few fortunate ‘magazine cover beauties’ has always been considered an aesthetic requisite of primary importance, a crucial attraction factor and a symbol of excellence of [...]


By |October 15th, 2010|Categories: Body|

The abnormal development of breasts can be a cause of intense and understandable discomfort and embarrassment in men. This condition, which is medically defined as ‘gynaecomasty’, is quite common and can concern either one or both [...]